Monday, August 24, 2020
Free Essays: A Mapmaker’s Dream :: mapmaker
 16th Century Map of the World  In James Cowan’s â€Å"A Mapmaker’s Dream,†a sixteenth century roman priest vicariously ventures to the far corners of the planet without really leaving the limits of his monastery.â The priest, named Fra Mauro, learns of the world through stories told by an assortment of travelers.â With his recently gained impression of the world, Fra embarks to diagram the terrains that were, around then, despite everything being discovered.â From these accounts, Fra’s â€Å"perfect map,†or mappi mundi as he called it, would be constructed.â In this procedure, the limits of Fra’s world would be stretched as far as possible.  Being abstinent from presentation to his general surroundings, Fra spread word that he would construct a guide of the new world.â Quick reaction from prepared voyagers from all edges of the world would before long become accessible to him the same number of explorers would promptly unburden themselves of the new and abnormal things they saw.â These accounts of the strange terrains were told by an assortment of people.â With distinctive depictions of the individuals visiting him, Fra assists with placing an incredible picture of his guests into the reader’s head.â He portrays one mariner as yet having ocean salt hanging in his facial hair, while depicting a shipper as bone-exhausted and dusty from his merchant’s trail.â The narratives he gains from these men additionally paint an extraordinary mental picture concerning what Fra is thinking and feeling.  From these meeting with explorers, the start of a geological guide is assembled, yet not at all like the ordinary mapmakers of the time, Fra was not just intrigued by the state of grounds and waters, yet in addition in the inclination these spots made in the storyteller.â Other than mountains, trenches, and valleys, Fra Mauro finds out about the way of life, idiosyncrasies, and sentiments of the areas that the voyagers visited.â Though his sources are not of most noteworthy unwavering quality, they are intelligent of the impression of a run of the mill sixteenth century person.â Two of his most fascinating stories are the tale of the pith of the mummy princess that he examines with the researcher and the story of the one-looked at, one-outfitted Cyclopedes that he gains from the Franciscan monk.â Fra additionally digs into the renaissance happening between these equivalent European nations and what is today the Americas.â This is the manner by which Fra Mauro’s vi ew of the world was manufactured †through recycled stories advised to him.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Airplane accidents causes and prevention Research Paper
Plane mishaps causes and counteraction - Research Paper Example The improved flying activities empowered the airplane to go on expanded flights which it didn't before this Act in light of the fact that there were more mishaps in the mid nineteenth century and no itemized examination was performed. Nonetheless, it is as yet essential to comprehend what the primary driver of plane mishaps are and what steps can be taken to improve the avionics with the goal that air mishaps can be kept away from. Frequently, it is the human mistake that causes crashes (Mello et al., 2008). Once in a while, the pilots are experienced because of which they get pompous and will in general be imprudent. For instance, coming up short on gas while the plane is on flight is an aftereffect of human recklessness when he feels that he has enough to travel to the goal. There are a great deal of issues while flying that may request more gas than expected. This makes the pilot power landing which is not the slightest bit out of peril. McCormick and Papadakis (2003, p.4) express that there are a great deal of reasons that prompt airplane parts to fall flat and become a reason for plane mishap. Either there is an issue in the assembling of a specific part or more burden than expected has been put on it that makes it glitch. The structure may have been ineffectively planned in order to invigorate pressure fixations which bring about exhaustion breakdown (McCormick and Papadakis). The creators declare that: Any airplane flying can be destroyed by pulling back hard on the wheel at an over the top speed and along these lines creating loads surpassing a definitive qualities for which it was structured. A pilot may fly through serious choppiness, similar to a thunder storm, accordingly causing high loads (p.4). It might happen that the airplane configuration is to such an extent that a normal pilot thinks that its difficult to work it. The controls might be inappropriately positioned inside the cockpit improving the likelihood that the pilot erroneously gives an off base control input. Mechanical parts like gearboxes and couplings may
Monday, July 20, 2020
Things to Start Doing If You Have Social Anxiety
Things to Start Doing If You Have Social Anxiety Social Anxiety Disorder Coping Print Social Anxiety Activities to Get Better By Arlin Cuncic Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of Therapy in Focus: What to Expect from CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder and 7 Weeks to Reduce Anxiety. Learn about our editorial policy Arlin Cuncic Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on July 14, 2019 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on September 28, 2019 Social Anxiety Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes Treatment Living With In Children Social anxiety activities are those things you can do to challenge your anxiety. ?Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is estimated to affect around 12% of the population at some point in their lives ?? People with SAD suffer in all areas of their lives; they have trouble making friends and maintaining friendships, finding life partners, finding work and building a career, and even getting through the mundane aspects of daily life. Although SAD can be seriously debilitating, and the best treatment approach involves combining cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and/or medication (such as SSRIs), there is much that can be done through self-help to overcome social anxiety.?? The 8 Best Online Therapy Programs Self-help strategies often draw on the effective components of other more traditional treatment approaches. For example, self-help might incorporate aspects of relaxation, thought reprogramming, and exposure to feared situations. If you suffer from mild to moderate social anxiety, you might just feel like you are in a rut most of the time. What is the best way to get out of a rut? Do something. Verywell / Brianna Gilmartin ?Get Yourself Out There Although it can be tempting to avoid social and performance situations if you suffer from social anxiety disorder (SAD), it is important to get yourself out there. That means accepting invitations to go places and do things that make you uncomfortable. At the same time, you need to prepare yourself to properly handle being out there. Get Help Dont wait until tomorrow or next week or the next time you are in crisis. Make an appointment today to see someone. If you are too embarrassed to call your doctor, consider contacting a mental health helpline such as the one offered by the National Alliance on Mental Illness to get you started. You might find talking to an anonymous stranger less intimidating and it could eventually lead to receiving the help you need. Just take the first step. Improve Your Health Do everything in your power to ensure that poor physical health is not contributing to your problems with anxiety. Exercise on a regular basis (including cardiovascular exercise and weight training) and eat a healthy, balanced diet. Do your best to stay away from alcohol.?? Drink chamomile tea to soothe your nerves. If you do not already exercise regularly, start planning a program for yourself today. Exercise not only increases feelings of well-being and reduces anxiety,?? but if done in the company of others it offers the chance to build up your social skills in a relatively non-threatening environment. ?If you dont have the resources or the time to join a gym or participate in regular exercise classes, there is still lots that you can do. Consider taking up walking or running or practice yoga at home. Keep a Journal Keep a daily journal so that you can see how much you have improved. Writing about your thoughts and experiences will also help you recognize when you are falling back into old habits and negative-thinking patterns.?? Write Down Your Goals It isnt enough to have vague goals about what you want to achieve. Whether you want to overcome symptoms of social anxiety or become an Academy Award-winning actress, it is important to put your goals down on paper. This makes them real and measurable. Part of goal setting involves deciding where you want to end up, but it also involves learning and setting a benchmark of where you are now. One way to do this is by taking some self-assessment quizzes to see how you score in terms of social anxiety (the Liebowitz scale is a good one to try). Then down the road, after you have started to get yourself out of the rut, you can take the quiz again and see if your scores have improved. Remember not to compare yourself to others in terms of social success; compare yourself to how you were doing one week, one month, or one year ago. Congratulate Yourself You might not be a confident public speaker, but there are a lot of things in your life to be proud of. Recognize that you face more challenges than others and that you should feel good about the small accomplishments in your life. Some days you can even feel proud that you made it out of the house. Build on small achievements and you will feel better about yourself. Become Your Own Best Advocate Nobody else is going to look out for you the way you can look out for yourself. Gather knowledge about SAD so that you can make better decisions. Ask for accommodations at work and school if you feel they will help you. Guide others toward better understanding of the struggles you face. Take time out at parties if you feel the need. Nobody else knows what it is like to be you. Practice Social Skills You may not have been born with the gift of gab, but you can improve on the skills that you have.?? Practice how to make introductions, make better eye contact, remember names and learn how to give compliments. If you want to improve your public-speaking skills, join a group like Toastmasters International. Practice Being Assertive Social anxiety and lack of assertiveness tend to go hand-in-hand.?? The problem with not being assertive is that you dont give other people the chance to meet your needs. Assertiveness is not about aggressively going after what you want; it is being clear about what you need from others in order to be satisfied. Share Your Experiences Whether you have conquered social anxiety or you are right in the midst of it, your experiences are valuable and should be shared with others. Sharing your story will help others realize that they are not alone, and will also bring more awareness to a problem that is mostly kept behind closed doors. Start Saying Yes Perhaps you have gotten into a rut of saying No to everything. Instead, why not start saying Yes? If you are invited to do something social, try to make a habit out of accepting the invitation. Although you might feel anxious at first, over time the more you do, the less fearful you will become. The next time an invitation crosses your desk or someone at work asks you to join the group for a coffee break, make an effort to go. Start Saying No Are you a pushover? Do others make unrealistic demands on your time or treat you poorly, but you feel powerless to stand up for yourself? This is a time to learn how better to say No and how to be more assertive. You dont have to go along with everything that everyone wants, and if you dont clearly communicate what you want and need, others are left guessing what you are thinking or how you feel. Join a Support Group Whether you join a brick-and-mortar support group or an online group, you will find the company of others who understand what you are going through comforting.?? Make the most of your time with the group; be encouraging and look for ways to help others. Your acts of kindness will be paid back to you. Say I Am Nervous Everyone who speaks in public gets a little nervous. One of the best antidotes for anxiety about public speaking is to simply acknowledge how you are feeling before you begin. In many settings it is completely acceptable to start off your speech with a laugh and a comment such as Forgive me if I stumble over my words, you see I just get a little nervous speaking in public. Immediately you are helping yourself out of the rut of slipping into a panic attack while speaking. Others will also be more forgiving than you might think. Buy Yourself a New Outfit Retail therapy is obviously no cure for social anxiety, but sometimes clothing really can make you feel like a new person with a new attitude. Try to get yourself out of a rut by purchasing something outside your comfort zone. Choose a unique accent piece both to try something new and to give others a conversation starter when they first meet you. Cherish Being Alone Some people with SAD are also natural introverts; this means that they recharge their emotional batteries by spending time alone instead of in the company of others. You dont have to become a social butterfly to overcome social anxiety; be comfortable being who you are. If that involves choosing to time alone to gather your thoughts (rather than because of fear), there is nothing wrong with making that choice. Go Somewhere New Do you follow the same routine every week? Visit the same grocery store, same gas station, eat at the same restaurant, or walk the same block? Try breaking out of your routine by going somewhere new. Not only will your challenge your social anxiety about new surroundings, but you might discover you have been missing out on some great aspect of your neighborhood. Join Toastmasters If you have a significant fear of public speaking, make a point of joining Toastmasters International... today! This group has helped people around the globe improve public speaking skills and overcome speech anxiety. Best of all, the group provides feedback for each other, so it is a great chance to meet people and make new friends. Stop Trying to Be Perfect Perfectionism and social anxiety often go hand in hand.?? Everything that you say and everything you do doesnt have to be perfect. Make a point of being imperfect and taking chances for a day. Take a Vacation As simple as it sounds, sometimes we all just need a change of scenery. If you are really stuck in a socially anxious mindset, try taking off for a weekend to a new locale, even if it is a solo trip. Soak up some of the local cultures, and immerse yourself in a different pace. Try on a different way of looking at yourself. You are more than your social anxiety. It doesnt define who you are. Read a Book Choose either a motivational story or a self-help book and set about a course of change based on what you read. Read everything you can get your hands on about social anxiety and how to improve. Read true stories about other people who have been there and done that. Read motivational books about life in general. Educating yourself will never hurt you, and it might give you the insight or inspiration that you need to make changes in your life.?? ?Do Something Exciting Try something totally off-the-wall like a hot air balloon ride or a zip-line adventure. Lose yourself in an exciting adventure and forget about your social anxiety. Best of all, the next time someone asks you what you do for fun, you will have a great story to tell. Replace Negativity with Positivity Being positive is contagious. If you have a habit of seeing the world through a negative lens (which most people with SAD tend to do), try becoming an optimist, if only for a day at first. Replace any negative thoughts with more positive alternatives.?? See if that doesnt help you start to climb out of your rut. How to Change Your Negative Thought Patterns Surround Yourself With Positive People If at all possible, try to spend more time with positive people; people who love you, believe in you, and see the beauty in who you are despite your social anxiety. Spending time with these people will make you feel good and help you to weather any rough times as you try to make changes in your life. Be Accountable to Someone You may stay in your rut forever if nobody knows you are trying to move past your social anxiety and you are not accountable to anyone. Choose someone you trust, it could even be an online friend, and tell them about your plans to make changes in your life. This works very much like having an exercise partner; the other person keeps you honest and keeps you from giving up when the road seems to hard and long. Sign Up for a Cause Join a cause that you believe in and that will get you out into the community and meet new people. Help animals find adoptive homes, walk for charity or fight third world hunger. Find a purpose beyond yourself and your space in the world, and some of the mundane problems of the day might seem just that. Start Staying Hi to the Neighbor Do you scurry for your door every time the neighbor appears? Next time try to make a concerted effort to say hello, wave and be friendly. Although this might feel out of character and anxiety-provoking at first, over time this new habit will become second nature.?? If you are feeling really bold, try a behavioral experiment: Invite your neighbor over for coffee at a time when she is clearly busy. Seek out rejection and learn that it is not so bad! At some point down the road, you might even find you have made a friend out of a neighbor. How to Talk to Your Neighbors Strike Up a Conversation Do you shy away from talking to strangers? Do you avoid eye contact at the grocery store? Do you look at your feet in the elevator? Today, instead of doing what you normally do in those situations, try doing the opposite. Engage the other person in a bit of small talk, just for the sake of getting the practice and learning not to be afraid.?? Give a Great Handshake Are you known for limp noodle handshakes? Surprise everyone you meet with a firm solid handshake and great eye contact. This is an easy social skill to learn that can help you make the best first impression. Take a Class Take a class in something that interests you: pottery, cooking, skiing, golf... anything that gets you out meeting people and learning a new skill will do the trick. Joining a class will give you the opportunity to build confidence, expose yourself to social situations, and potentially make new friends. Stop Complaining and Blaming Perhaps you were dealt a bad hand in life. Maybe you had a controlling mother or a father who put you down. Although these life experiences may have contributed to your social anxiety, you dont need to let them continue to influence the course of your life. Start taking responsibility for your actions and behavior. Hire a Life Coach If traditional treatment isnt an option for you, for whatever reason, consider instead investing in some sessions with a life coach. Coaches can help you identify your goals and obstacles to success. Although they will not be able to specifically help you overcome social anxiety, life coaches can help steer you down a more positive path of daily living.?? Start Paying Attention Chances are your thoughts and feelings have become so automatic you dont even realize what runs through your head on a daily basis.?? Slow down, take the time to focus on the present, and examine the thoughts that pass through your mind; especially the negative ones. If you need to, keep a journal to really get a handle on your daily thought patterns. Make Changes for Yourself, Not Others Be careful about your reasons for wanting to change. If daily life is painful, that is a reason to get a handle on social anxiety. However, if you just want to impress your friends on Facebook or in real life with your social skills and popularity, the changes you make wont last. Stop Putting Things Off Perhaps you envision some point in the future when you can conquer your fears. Maybe when you are older, have more money to pay for therapy, or when you are feeling stronger. The reality is that there is never a better time than now. Stop procrastinating and start your journey of change today. Reward Yourself It isnt going to be much fun getting out of a rut if you never reward yourself for your efforts. Choose something that you know will be rewarding for you, and indulge when you have made changes in your life; be it daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. Ideas might include a special meal, new novel, or even a vacation you have dreamt of. Work With Your Strengths In order to get yourself out of a social anxiety rut, you dont need to have an end goal of becoming a stand-up comedian or accomplished concert pianist. If you love books, maybe joining a book club or even leading a book club would be your thing. Think about your interests and talents, and how you can bring more sociability into those areas in your life. Help Someone Else One of the best ways to feel better about yourself is to help someone else. Although helping others can be difficult when you have social anxiety, there are many outside-the-box ways that you can help people. Consider joining a social anxiety forum and offering support to someone going through a rough time. Think about someone who might be alone or feeling lonely and send them a card, note or email to brighten their day. Do a little something for someone else every day and you will soon start feeling better about yourself and life in general. Make One Little Change Sometimes we can get caught up thinking that the changes that we need to make to get out of a rut need to be big. Make one little change and see if it has ripple effects in your life. The change could be as small as watching the news every evening to keep up on current events and have more to say during small talk. Try an Herbal Supplement If you really feel like trying something medicinal, but arent yet ready to broach the topic of medication with your doctor or psychiatrist, consider trying an herbal supplement from your drug store. There are many herbal supplements that are used in managing anxiety;?? however, it is important to know that herbal supplements are not regulated by the United States Food Drug Administration the same way that traditional medications are evaluated. Be sure to read about any cautions, warnings or medication interactions before taking an herbal supplement. Tell Someone One of the hardest parts about having social anxiety is that it is usually a very private battle that is fought.?? Perhaps you have never talked to anyone about your fears. If you really want to get out of a rut, you need to open up to at least one person. Only you know who that person should be; perhaps you would feel more comfortable talking to someone who doesnt know you personally (such as a doctor, teacher, or clergy person) or maybe a friend or family member would be the right choice. The minute you start opening up about how you feel, the less scary your problems will seem. Challenge Yourself Are you working at a job that doesnt make use of your skills and talents? Have you always taken the safe route because of your social anxiety? Try breaking out of a rut by leaving your safe zone and taking on those challenges that help you grow as a person. Accept the promotion at work, go back to school for a new career, or start your own business. Follow your passion and your dreams and dont let social anxiety stand in your way. Work on a Friendship Everyone has the potential for one or more friendships in their life. Perhaps there is someone you know that has tried to get to know you better but you have stalled the friendship; its time to take the reins and work at turning that person into a friend. Although it might seem hard at first, over time you will be glad to see a familiar face at work, at the gym, or in your college class. Take the initiative and extend and an invitation to do something together; dont rely on the other person to always make the first move. Make It a Competition Do you have a competitive nature? If so, could you make a sport out of trying to overcome your social anxiety? If you clam up at dinner parties, try over-preparing with interesting stories to tell. Try to ask every person at least one question. Keep track of how many times you speak and give yourself points. Make it a game! Visualize What You Want What exactly do you want? If you havent defined this for yourself, then you dont know where you are headed or how to get there. Do you want more friends, a better job, or simply not to feel anxious all the time? Visualize having those things that you want; this will help motivate you to do what needs to be done to get out of a rut. How to Practice Guided Imagery Appreciate What You Have Though you may have been dealt a bad hand when it comes to having social anxiety, there is probably much in your life to be thankful for. Take the time to express gratitude for what you do have. Get Adequate Sleep Make sure you are getting enough sleep; lack of rest can cause you to feel less than your best and exacerbate anxiety.?? Laugh Sometimes people with social anxiety spend so much time worrying and fretting that they forget to laugh and have fun. When was the last time you watched a funny movie that made you laugh out loud? Who was the last person that made you chuckle? Try to bring more laughter into your life. If you arent having fun, what is the point? Stop Thinking Nothing Will Work for You The key to getting out of a rut is to act; not think about why things wont work. Try to make some of the changes on this list and observe the outcome. Never dismiss an idea because you think that it wont work for me.?? Avoid the Usual Temptations If you have a bad habit of wasting too much time on the internet or watching television instead of socializing, try cutting back or making it educational time in terms of learning about SAD and social skills. See how much time you gain to focus on overcoming your social anxiety and building your social skills. Stop Waiting to be Rescued If you think that your problem wont be solved until the magic bullet appears, then you will never get started making changes on your own. Take responsibility for the changes that you need to make, and realize that nobody else is going to take the reins. Talk to Someone Who Has Been There and Done That That person might be a friend in an online forum or someone you meet in a support group. The goal is to have someone to talk to who has been through social anxiety, knows what it feels like to be stuck, and knows what it takes to make it out to the other side.?? Spend Time in Nature Being outdoors has a natural calming effect.?? If you work indoors or spend most of your time indoors, try getting outside more often. Break up your routine with a walk through the park whenever you can. Start Eating Better If you suffer from social anxiety, make sure that you are eating a balanced diet and avoiding sugar?? and alcohol as much as possible. A poor diet can wreak havoc with your brain chemistry and leave you feeling sluggish and worn down. Too much caffeine and sugar can also increase feelings of anxiety. Read Inspirational Quotes Former anxiety sufferer Jamie Blyth included motivational quotes as part of his personalized self-improvement plan. Sign up for a motivational quote news feed on Facebook or visit a motivational blog daily. Watch Movies Watch movies with confident characters and practice behaving in the same manner. Many great performers have built confidence by watching and learning others who they wish to emulate. Seek Treatment Sometimes you just cant get yourself out of a rut; especially if it is more of a deep hole that you have dug yourself into. If this is you, and you are finding yourself completely overwhelmed by social anxiety, to the point that it is interfering significantly with your daily functioning, it is time to seek outside help.?? Your family doctor is a good place to start. Even though you might feel afraid to reach out and admit that you have a problem, you will be glad that you did. A Word From Verywell The bottom line when trying to break yourself free of a social anxiety rut is to remember that everything takes time. No matter what changes you make in your life, you will not go from socially anxious to social butterfly overnight. Be pleased with any small progress that you make; every journey begins with small steps and it is important for you to get started and not worry too much about your goal now. Focus on the journey and your actions will take you there.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Child Abuse - 993 Words
Child abuse is defined as a variety of harmful behaviors directed against children. It can take many forms. Child abuse in general is a psychological problem or perversion of the abuser. The abuser is referred to as the perpetrator of abuse. Child abuse includes the following conditions: ïÆ'Ëœ Child sexual abuse ïÆ'Ëœ Physical abuse ïÆ'Ëœ Child neglect ïÆ'Ëœ Emotional neglect and abuse Although some cases of child abuse are obvious, many are not. Early recognition of child abuse is very important to get a child help and stop the abuse. Child sexual abuse includes any activity that uses a child to create sexual gratification either in you or in others. Although the touching of children as a sign of affection and for hygiene is considered normal†¦show more content†¦Children are generally not removed from the home immediately when a report is made to child protective services. Under extreme circumstances, it does happen but in the majority of cases, even after CPS verifies that abuse exist within a family, child protective services attempt to work with the family to get those issues resolved and keep the family intact. When a child is removed from the home, it has to be determined that the child is at-risk and then an order is granted to remove the child for 72-hours so the investigation process can begin. If during the investigation it is determined that the child appears to be in imminent danger of harm, the child can be removed for a longer period of time and temporary, safe arrangements are made. In Wash ington State when a child is removed from the home and an investigation is started there are a number of people that determine what course of action is taken to either reunite the family or start the process to terminate parental rights. This team usually consists of the child protective services case manager, a child protective services supervisor, the child’s pediatrician, and a representative from a Foster Care Review Board. I am not sure that ending child abuse will happen in my lifetime, but the steps that we need to take is throughShow MoreRelatedChild Abuse1247 Words  | 5 PagesDiscipline, Child Abuse? Many people have noticed that parents are starting to get more frustrated with with their lives and are taking it out on their children. Parents start to under think their actions and instead of disciplining their children, they are abusing their children. There are many precautions that should be taken when dealing with situations like these. Many experiments can be done in order to determine if abuse is taking place in the home. In order to determine child abuse, authoritiesRead MoreChild Abuse1545 Words  | 7 PagesRunning head: CHILD ABUSE Title- Child Abuse SENTENCE OUTLINE TOPIC: Child Abuse TOPIC SENTENCE: Child abuse is any act or inaction on the part of a parent or caregiver on a child 18 years and under. THESIS STATEMENT: The UK Guidance working together to safeguard children 2010, says that, child abuse constitutes of neglect, emotional, physical, and sexual abuse. SUB TOPICRead MorePhysical Abuse And Child Abuse716 Words  | 3 PagesChild abuse is all over the world in every state and in a big percentage of homes. Abuse is more than just physically touching a child. It’s talking down to a child to where they don’t care anymore, and when someone is touching a child in sexual ways. The thing about abuse, no matter what type it is they all tie together somehow. Physical, sexual, and mental abuse is known more common in teens and goes unspoken more than people realize and they don’t even know it’s happening around them. PhysicalRead Morechild abuse1271 Words  | 6 Pages Child Abuse Research Paper Most parents and other caregivers do not intend to hurt their children, but abuse is defined by the effect on the child, not the motivation of the parents or caregiver.Tens of thousands of children each year are traumatized by physical, sexual, and emotional abusers or by caregivers who neglect them.Child abuse as common as it is shocking. Most of us can’t imagine what would make an adult use violence against a child, and the worse the behaviorRead MoreChild Abuse1921 Words  | 8 Pagesor Outside: How Safe is my Child? 23/1/13, ICG A very good morning to all of you and a warm welcome to this seminar on ‘At Home or Outside: How Safe is my Child?†Thank you for sparing your valuable time to be here to discuss and deliberate on an issue that is slowly making our society hollow and will cause a major collapse of all value systems if timely action is not taken. It can be very difficult to talk about child abuse or more specifically child sexual abuse, which we are discussing todayRead MoreChild Abuse And Domestic Abuse1636 Words  | 7 Pagesin life that while not yet adults they are not quite children either. A factor that creates violent and aggressive adolescents includes being exposed to child abuse and domestic abuse. Moylan, T. Herrenkohl, Sousa, Tajima, R. Herrenkohl, and Russo (2010) look at the relationship between those who were exposed to either child abuse, domestic abuse, or both and the outcome of aggressive adolescents. Families were first assessed when children were in preschool, eighteen months to six years old. The secondRead MoreChild Abuse And Child Maltreatment918 Words  | 4 PagesThere are many types and faces of child abuse and child maltreatment in the world today that go unknown. This leaves many of our children unprotected to physical, sexual or emotional abuse, and neglect by parents. The problem is how are dealing with the violence against children inside and outside the home and with their f amily. Physical, sexual, emotional abuse and neglect are types of abuse, which I and have a deep concern. Too many of our children today are been abused, neglected, and killedRead MoreThe Effects Of Abuse And Child Abuse2622 Words  | 11 PagesNassau, New York, homicide squad, after finding three young children dead in their bed after their mother had killed them. (Qtd. In Juettner 12). Abuse doesn’t just affect children, it affects adults too. While many cases of abuse are reported, there are still many that go unreported. Abuse and child abuse is not something to be taken lightly, even after the abuse has been stopped there are long lasting effects. Could you imagine being abused by someone you thought loved or cared about you? According toRead MoreHistory of Child Abuse1113 Words  | 5 PagesHistory of child abuse BSHS/408 February 15 2016 Chiffone N Shelton Abstract In order to discuss child abuse and neglect it is important to have a clear understanding of what child abuse and neglect is and the different form of child abuse. How the various types of child abuse and neglect are different from one another, ill-treatment of children comes in many forms, physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional ill-treatment, and child neglect. Child neglect comes in many forms and occurs whenRead MoreThe Problem Of Child Abuse1055 Words  | 5 Pagesyounger ones is child abuse. â€Å"In 2009, the child protective services across the country received 3.3 million reports of child abuse. The farther the child protective services would investigate they discovered more than 700,000 children that had been abused or mistreated.†(Kauchak and Eggen 51) The U.S Congress in the Family Services Act of 1988 came up with a definition of all types of abuse. (Mufson and Kranz 26) There is neglect, emotional, sexua, and physical abuse. â€Å"Over than 78% of abuse vict ims suffer
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Is Not A Fan Of Tattoos - 1941 Words
Imara is not a fan of tattoos. In fact, she hates tattoos, specifically ones without sentimental values. She didn’t think portraits of cartoon characters or philosophical quotes was something to obsess over. Moreover, a majority of her peers has tattoos. Not just any tattoos, weirdly shaped tattoos on their biceps and thighs, legs and hands. There’s even one guy in her Biology class that has a tattoo of lightning on his face. â€Å"It’s almost disgusting,†Imara would say to herself when she saw him. â€Å"He had such a cute face. Still cute, but the tattoo makes him look ridiculous†. Imara believes tattoos are out to destroy her generation. â€Å"Tattoos are stamps that generalize us and make us all look bad,†she said once. Imara speaks against†¦show more content†¦Her blood.†â€Å"Coooool.†â€Å"I wish I was fierce enough to tat myself like that.†â€Å"Ding dong,†Imara rubbed her ear, amongst the comments she could of have sworn she heard a faint doorbell. She tried to look for the source, but the lighting was too bright. She couldn’t see anything. â€Å"Imara, you better werk,†â€Å"Yass girl,†â€Å"All this magic in a minute. What are you a magician?†â€Å"Ding dong,†â€Å"Forreal, she is so ding dong†Imara rubbed her ear again. The sound of the doorbell was more perceivable. She moved closer to the group. â€Å"I’m sorry, what,†she asked aloud. â€Å"I said you’re so ding dong. Ding dong, ding dong.†Before Imara could respond, her eyes opened to the sight of her dimly lit bedroom. She glanced at the time on her phone to see ten minutes had gone by. â€Å"Ding dong,†the doorbell sang again. She got up and headed to the door. When she opened it, there was no one in sight. The only thing visible was the cloudless sky, unsaturated bluebells, and the vacant street. She closed the door. As she walked back into her room, she bumped her scarred arm into the door handle. â€Å"Ow,†she bawled. The intense pain was throbbing. She took a glance at her arm, and noticed a severely red shadow-- her blood was dried up in a dark shade of purple. †Oh my god,†Imara said in disbelief. She ran to the bathroom. In a frantic hurry, she tried to find rubbing alcohol, cotton balls, and gauze pads. Imara searched high and low, but couldn’t findShow MoreRelatedThe Term Implicit Personality Theory155 9 Words  | 7 Pageswhich proceeded towards his musical career. He manages his appearance by adding tattoos on his hand. Jay Z made a tattoo in his weeding ring finger which is also matched with her wife tattoo. The matching tattoo in his weeding ring finger boost his imagine as a fashion trend, no one has such kind tattoo before.His fans like this idea and he got more publicity. Jay Z has walking lifestyle brand. He has been steering the fans choice in apparel and other luxury items mostly by just mentioning them waxRead MoreTattoos and Body Piercings as and Art Form992 Words  | 4 PagesAshley Beth Logan Manuscript Speech D. Webb Speech 106 Tattoos and Body Piercings Good evening. I would like to start by asking how many of you have a tattoo or piercing other than your ears. Did you know that in most work environments, you are usually not even considered for employment if you’re tattoo or piercing is visible during the interview? I am one of the many people who believe tattoos and body piercings are a form of self expression. However, there are still that few out there whoRead MoreTattoos Are Bad Or Bad?1361 Words  | 6 PagesTattoos are bad. This is something I have been told all my life. My father is a very authoritative figure. He stands at 6’3†and is a cut-to-the-shit type of guy. He makes sure that his views are heard even if it as trivial as talking through a movie to point out an error it made. He is not a fan of anything permanent on someone’s face or body; however, if his view is still unknown to someone, all he or she would have to do is bring up tattoo plans and his view will come out shortly after. OneRead MoreTattoos Of Americ Johnny Depp, My Body Is My Journal And My Tattoos1286 Words  | 6 Pages Tattoos in America Johnny Depp once said, â€Å"My body is my journal and my tattoos are my story†(Simons). Most people who have tattoos will say that these tattoos have different special meanings for many special things which they will remember forever. Others will say that they just want to try something new or pursue fashions which make them feel different from other people. Some people think tattoos are art: â€Å"Your body’s an empty canvas, so you almost want to continue to add to it†(Yu). Many peopleRead MoreTattooed: The Sociogenesis of Body Art by Michael Atkinson965 Words  | 4 Pagesoutlines his response with the work of Norbert Elias , who is best known for the â€Å"civilizing process†and a hypothesis figurational social science. He gathered information from 27 tattoo artists and 65 tattoo enthusiasts from Toronto and Calgary in a method he called ethnosociology for participant perceptions on tattoos. A figuration is characterized as an accumulation of so cial performers bound together by chains or networks of interdependency and is a substitute for the idea of social order (AtkinsonRead MoreThink Before You Ink1250 Words  | 5 Pagespointlessness of Tattoos. Straight away Mills makes his negativity on the topic clear as describing many celebrity tattoos as being ‘badly drawn cod-philosophical/fauxtribal/cloyingly sentimental illustrations’. He goes on to describe celebrities Pete Doherty and Amy Winehouse as being ‘aspirational figureheads’ clearly employing sarcasm and in fact, most likely suggesting the exact opposite. We see the writer constantly give his, clearly, biased opinion about his dislike of tattoos, at one point simplyRead MoreTattoos Have Different Meanings Or Significance1615 Words  | 7 PagesIn various societies, tattoos have had different meanings or significance. They have been popular for thousands of years in different cultures, as a common form of body modification. They can be symbolic of one’s self-expression, ‘a mark of individuality’, and body alteration as a compelling symbol. (Tiggemann Golder, 2006; Patterson Schroeder, 2010 as cited in Atik Yildirim, 2014). Tattoos have been around for so many years that its existence is unclear thus its origin remains a debate inRead MoreTattoos Should Be Allowed in the Workplace Essay1507 Words  | 7 Pageshaving a tattoo could ruin every hope one has of getting the job. One may ask, â€Å"why does having a tattoo ruin ones chance of getting a job?†A tattoo would ruin one’s chances at getting a job simply because it is wrongly viewed as unprofessional. Starting off as juices and markings, tattoos were nothing more than ways of identification and personalization. Rubbing juices extracted from plants onto your face and arms is the most notable to people. Also using bone needles and pigments to tattoo in aRead MoreEminems Stan: Following the Form of a Dramatic Monologue Popularized by Robert Browning1088 Words  | 5 PagesEminem that he is his biggest fan and he mentions in verse two that his little brother and himself waited in the cold for four hours in the blistering cold just for an autograph but I think he did not just wait there with his brother, we waited there for himself to just to get close to Eminem because he is obsessed with him. He knows just about all of Slim Shady’s past like his childhood, saying he is just like him in a way I never knew my father either, Stan even got a tattoo of Eminem’s name on his chestRead MoreTaking a Look at the Juggalo Subculture943 Words  | 4 Pagesunique traits and means of expressing themselves. A Juggalo is someone who is a die-hard fan of the Insane Clown Posse or any group from the Psychopathic Records label. It’s a spinoff of the punk subculture, making it an even more exclusive and tightly knit group. The term Juggalo started in 1994 at an Insane Clown Posse concert and has ballooned as an identifier and widely recognized name. Many Juggalos have tattoos identifying themselves with their â€Å"Juggalo names.†The names are personal identifiers
Family And Literacy Free Essays
As a child growing up, my parents had already shared to us different stories from mythical/folk tales to the tales of other family members. The typical childhood stories, i. e. We will write a custom essay sample on Family And Literacy or any similar topic only for you Order Now The Three Little Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood, etc. , were not also lost in the classroom arena as well. These stories were the first glimpses of the moral backbone that one adopts and also served as the first taste of reading and writing, the fundamental necessities in formal learning. Concerning the moral background, these stories had taught me the valuable lesson of integrity, empathy, sympathy, kindness, and the lesson that two wrong could not make a right, and elders should be respected. Telling and reading stories with a child could definitely give the child certain ideas. My mother rarely read me stories but I still developed a knack or liking for reading novels and poetry. The precious times that the stories were told had given me this certain enthusiasm. It has driven me to have a certain passion to learn how to read and write on my own and these were powerful backgrounds to help me in my formative years. Being a parent, an aspiring teacher and a former child, I could draw a conclusion that parents could help pave the way for children to easily adjust to formal schooling. Parents could further develop the basic learning abilities of children by encouraging their natural curiosity and imagination. A child’s learning usually starts at home with the parents and the development of these first steps could be furthered by the school. It was said that the child could learn with the help of the parents through constant exposure to Environmental Print (Jo Anne L. Vacca, 2005). The parents could do this by accessing what is readily available at home. They could make use of the television set. A parent then could sit down with the children and explain what could be seen. They could devise a plan where their children could do some activities concerning the television show like scribbling down some words that they had encountered while watching. This just a start and a glimpse to the help that parents could extend to their children. REFERENCE Jo Anne L. Vacca, R. T. V. , Mary K. Gove, Linda C. Burkey, Lisa A. Lenhart, Christine A. McKeon. (2005). Reading and Learning to Read (6th ed. ). Boston: Allyn Bacon. How to cite Family And Literacy, Essays
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Megadeth free essay sample
Dave Mustaine and his cohorts who make up the band Megadeth are out touring again following the release of their appropriately-named album Countdown To Extinction. Politically- outspoken Mustaine throws in his commentary on the ex-president in between their thunderously heavy songs. The band has become a link between heavy metal and politics, thus moving it into the category of a thinking mans band. The music serves two purposes in my opinion: to inform kids and teens that they have a say in this society, and simply to be enjoyed. Megadeth articulated such difficult pieces as Holy Wars and Foreclosure of a Dream. The former refers to violence as being unholy (therefore holy war is a paradox) and the latter refers to, most probably, the Bush Administrations failings. It just goes to show that the far left-wing Mustaine must speak his mind. Incidentally, Suicidal Tendencies opened for Megadeth; the show as a whole was extraordinary. We will write a custom essay sample on Megadeth or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I recommend that any metalhead go. But bring your earplugs! n
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Boiled Frog Phenomenon
Boiled Frog Phenomenon Strategic management is very important for success in the increasingly changing global economy. Easily said than done, many organizations fail to plan appropriately leading to failure of major corporations (Dess Lumpkin, 2009, p. 23).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Boiled Frog Phenomenon specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Apart from failure in planning, some business failures have resulted from slow decisions and inactions. â€Å"Boiling frog phenomenon†is one of the explanations that can be offered to many business failure cases in the last two decades. A widespread phrase, â€Å"boiling frog phenomenon†is an important consideration in strategic management. The allegory of â€Å"boiled frog†has a widespread usage in history. If a frog is immersed in a pot containing hot water, it would definitely jump out and save its life. However, a frog submerged in a pot containing cold water and temperat ure raised gradually may fail to notice the rising temperatures ending up being boiled alive. Though there is no barrier preventing the frog from jumping out of the pot, it fails to take the necessary action since change in temperature seems to be very minimal (Polynice, 2008, par 2). Culturally the story is used to warn people who fail to notice or take action to gradual change in their lives. Unable to notice the gradual changes, such people may find themselves in great trouble later on. The â€Å"boiled frog phenomenon†is relevant in many areas of life. In business, the phenomenon is used to warn of the need to notice and take actions to gradual changes. Like the â€Å"boiled frog†, an organization that fails to respond to gradual changes in its area may find itself in great trouble. An organization must be able to notice gradual changes in its market, human resources, technological or legal environment to be successful (Burke, Trahant Koonce, 1999, p. 17). In str ategic management the phenomenon is also used to refer to a strategy for implementing changes in an organization. Implementing changes gradually helps minimize resistance to change. A fair example of â€Å"boiled frog phenomenon†in United States is the failure of Enron. Formed in 1985, Enron developed to be a major player in energy industry in North America. Enron management, led by Kenneth Lay, was obsessed with success. They wanted the organization appear to be doing well despite of various failed projects.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The main concern for the management was maintaining a positive image to stakeholders and the public, and ensuring positive trend of the company’s share prices in the stock market. Instead of addressing the causes of declining performance, the management opted for manipulating books of account in order to portray t he organization to be profitable. After years of unethical accounting practice, the gap in the books of account was too large to conceal (Mclean Elkind, 2004, p. 132). Between 1990 and 2000, the organization registered consistent increase in its share prices. Enron management did not notice the water they were in boiling. By December 2000, Enron’s share price in the stock market was about $83 per share. The share prices however fell as low as $0.63 per share after the scandal was revealed later in 2001. â€Å"Boiling frog phenomenon†is relevant in business as in other areas. To be successful an organization has to strategically deal with gradual changes affecting it. It is prudent not only to notice the changes but also take the necessary action. Collapse of Enron illustrates the risk of â€Å"boiling frog syndrome†. To the organization’s management, manipulating books of account was a prudent thing to do at the beginning but this got out of control. Re ference List Burke, W., Trahant, W. Koonce, R. (1999). Business climate shifts: profiles of change makers. New York: Butterworth-Hernemann. Dess, G., Lumpkin, G. (2009). Strategic Management: Creating Competitive Advantage.New York: MaGraw-Hill.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Boiled Frog Phenomenon specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Mclean, B. Elkind, P. (2004). The Smartest Guys in the Room: the amazing rise and scandalous fall of Enron. New York: Penguin. Polynice, D. (2008). The â€Å"Boiled Frog Phenomenon. Retrieved from
Monday, March 2, 2020
The Borgia Codex, Precolombian Treasure
The Borgia Codex, Precolombian Treasure The Borgia Codex: The Borgia Codex is an ancient book, created in Mexico in the age before the arrival of the Spanish. It consists of 39 double-sided pages, each of which contains pictures and drawings. It was most likely used by native priests to predict cycles of time and fate. The Borgia Codex is considered one of the most important surviving pre-Hispanic documents, both historically and artistically. The Creators of the Codex: The Borgia Codex was created by one of many pre-Hispanic cultures of Central Mexico, likely in the region of southern Puebla or northeastern Oaxaca. These cultures would eventually become vassal states of what we know as the Aztec Empire. Like the Maya far to the south, they had a writing system based on images: an image would represent a longer history, which was known to the reader, generally a member of the priest class. History of the Borgia Codex: The codex was created sometime between the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries. Although the codex is partly a calendar, it contains no exact date of creation. The first known documentation of it is in Italy: how it arrived there from Mexico is unknown. It was acquired by Cardinal Stefano Borgia (1731-1804) who left it, along with many other possessions, to the church. The codex bears his name to this day. The original is currently in the Vatican Library in Rome. Characteristics of the Codex: The Borgia Codex, like many other Mesoamerican codices, is not actually a â€Å"book†as we know it, where pages are flipped as they are read. Rather, it is one long piece folded up accordion-style. When completely opened, the Borgia Codex is about 10.34 meters long (34 feet). It is folded into 39 sections which are roughly square (27x26.5cm or 10.6 inches square). All of the sections are painted on both sides, with the exception of the two end pages: there are therefore a total of 76 separate â€Å"pages.†The codex is painted onto a deer skin that was carefully tanned and prepared, then covered with a thin layer of stucco which better holds the paint. The codex is in pretty good shape: only the first and lest section have any major damage. Studies of the Borgia Codex: The content of the codex was a baffling mystery for many years. Serious study began in the late 1700’s, but it wasn’t until the exhaustive work of Eduard Seler in the early 1900’s that any real progress was made. Many others have since contributed to our limited knowledge of the meaning behind the vivid images. Today, good facsimile copies are easy to find, and all of the images are online, providing access for modern researchers. Content of the Borgia Codex: Experts who have studied the codex believe it to be a tonalmatl, or almanac of destiny. It is a book of predictions and auguries, used to search for good or bad omens and precedents for a variety of human activities. For example, the codex might be used by priests to predict good and bad times for agricultural activities such as planting or harvesting. It is based around the tonalpohualli, or 260-day religious calendar. It also contains the cycles of the planet Venus, medical prescriptions and information about sacred places and the nine Lords of the Night. Importance of the Borgia Codex: Most of the ancient Mesoamerican books were burned by zealous priests during the colonial era: very few survive today. All of these ancient codices are greatly prized by historians, and the Borgia Codex is particularly valuable because of its content, artwork and the fact that it’s in relatively good shape. The Borgia Codex has allowed modern historians a rare insight into lost Mesoamerican cultures. The Borgia Codex is also greatly valued because of its beautiful artwork. Source: Noguez, Xavier. Cà ³dice Borgia. Arqueologà a Mexicana Edicià ³n Especial: Cà ³dices prehispnicas y coloniales tempranos. August, 2009.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Write an analytical evaluation of Gary Nashs Race and Revolution Essay
Write an analytical evaluation of Gary Nashs Race and Revolution - Essay Example In Race and Revolution, Nash offers three essays on slavery during Revolutionary times. Instead of simply stating that slavery was horrible, then moving on to a different topic, Nash delves into the founding fathers’ dream of a democracy and the paradox of slavery. Every child in America is taught Thomas Jefferson’s phrase ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’. As a child, I wondered how Jefferson can speak those words and still own slaves. During the revolutionary era, England and other European nations had colonies. However, these colonies, especially, America, did not see the similarity of a slave’s position and their position in relation to their ruling country. Americans cried for freedom, but enslaved men. The situation was hypocritical, but ignored due to economic and cultural reasons. Nash explores this and other slave issues during the revolutionary times in his book. Another issue that Nash brings up in his book is the anti-slavery movement during this time. Economically, plantation owners would argue for slavery, but what about the rest of the Northern population? Plantation owners were not the majority during this time. The Abolitionist movement is mentioned in history prior to the Civil War, but Nash points out that the Abolitionist movement was around during Revolutionary times. The white Abolitionist movement was pushed into the background as the country moved toward separation from England, despite the black Abolitionists continuation of the fight against slavery. Nash argues that Northern States failed to push the issue, not the Southern States. Previously, historians have put the total blame on the Southern States, but Nash holds the Northern States just as liable for the continuation of slavery. He argues that Northern leaders did not want to compensate Southern slave owners. They were also not willing to accept slaves into their societies. Even when free blacks begin appearing in the Northern
Sunday, February 2, 2020
What Are the Roles And Resonsibilities of the UK Government Towards Essay
What Are the Roles And Resonsibilities of the UK Government Towards the Public Healh of Its Citzens And In Particular Children - Essay Example This essay declares that the general public that includes the parents, teachers, alcohol retailers and even religious leaders have their role to play. Such is the case that this group bears the greatest responsibility since they are always in contact with young people. This group, especially the elderly can play their role well when leading as role models for the young people. It should be the responsibility of each of these people to advice young people on the dangers of such behaviors. Parents should pay close attention to their children needs ensuring they know their whereabouts and correct them whenever they sense they are going astray. In all these cases , it will be prudent to know that at their age these young people may not really use well their personal liberties and as such all these parties have the responsibility to provide guidance and where possible correction. This paper makes a conclusion that public health is a sensitive part of any population and as such issues raised with regard to this subject should always take priority in the UK government planning. It is true that public health issues raise some ethical problems, particularly regarding peoples liberties, that the government should tackle amicably. Using the two modalities, namely Paternalism and harm principle, the UK government can successfully balance the demands of individual liberties and the desire to promote social good for all. Looking at UK public health based on the issue of binge drinking among UK teens.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Computers and Homeland Security Essay -- Terrorist Terrorism September
Computers and Homeland Security After the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 security became a major concern for citizens and of course lawmakers. Unsure of what could happen next we were all afraid. Homeland Security encompasses policies, laws, organizations, and procedures designed to protect the rights and freedoms inherent in the US Constitution. Homeland defense which is sometime interchanged with Homeland Security deals with extra-territorial threats and preemptive operations (Parons & Oja, 51). Governments in many countries are devoting significant resources to combat this growing threat. In the United Stats, the Department of Homeland Security, or DHS is responsible for reducing America?s vulnerability to terrorism and leading a unified national effort to prevent terrorist attacks on American citizens and assets. The DHS mission statement is: ?We will lead the unified national effort to secure America. We will prevent and deter terrorist attacks and protect against and respond to threats an d hazards to the nation. We will ensure safe and secure borders, welcome lawful immigrants and visitors, and promote free-slow of commerce? ( Technology is a key component of DHS. A part of the PROTECT system uses a computer program to depict the dispersion of toxic materials. On October 26, 2001 the President of the United States signed the Patriot Act, which was designed to define terrorist activities and provide la enforcement officials with legal tools for finding, catching, and prosecuted terrorists (Parons & Oja, 51). Computer systems assist efforts to identify terrorists among the millions of people who travel into and within U.S. borders. Terrorists might use cell hones or e-mail t... ...ments and have become more sophisticated at this task thanks to research for ordinary text-to speech and voice recognition technologies. Computers are a huge part of homeland security, without them we would all be at a greater risk for terrorism. Computers are prominent in each and every one of our lives, and they help us in many ways. Works Cited Arnone, Michael. "Internet security 'back to the Stone Age'." 22 Nov. 2005. 30 Nov. 2005 . "DHS Organization." Department of Homeland Security. DHS. 12 Nov. 2005 . National Security Agency Central Security Sevice. National Security Agency. 12 Nov. 2005 . United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team. US-CERT. 12 Nov. 2005 .
Thursday, January 16, 2020
How I Learned to Play the Guitar
How I Learned to Play the Guitar Guitar is one of the most popular musical instruments to learn because of its versatility and portability. When I was in high school, I had an abundance of leisure time. I wanted to do something meaningful and fun instead of wasting time on playing video games, so I decided to learn a musical instrument. Honestly speaking, I was a good singer; however, singing without a musical instrument to accompany me seemed strange. That is why I made up my mind to learn to play the guitar.Now I realize that I made a wise decision. To learn to play the guitar, I bought a guitar and a guitar pick. In addition, like playing other instruments, learning to play the guitar requires the love of music, perseverance, and patience. I learned some basic knowledge about the guitar and how to tune it. To illustrate, the neck of the guitar is divided by the strings from the left to the right and by the frets into sections from the top to the bottom. Moreover, every guitar has six strings and each string has a different size and note value.Each time before playing, I need to tune the strings. The tuning process is important for getting the right sound when I play. Next, I began to learn to play the chords, which are made up of different combination of notes. Each time I played the chords, a unique sound was created. The knowledge of the function of the frets and strings helped me identify the chords’ locations easily. There are a lot of chords on the guitar, but I could only memorize the most common chords.I could search for other chords online when I needed them. Now I can play the most important and fundamental five ‘major’ chords. I spend more than 30 minutes every day practicing without looking at the diagram of chords. At first, I strummed the strings slowly to see if all the strings rang clearly. When I could naturally play different chords, I would switch my fingers from one chord to another as quickly and precisely as possible. In this way, I could connect several chords together to make a song.There are many different types of scales, each with different characteristics, note patterns and musical qualities on the guitar. Playing improvisation means playing the scales in different orders. I also learned some techniques to enrich improvising, like mute, vibrato technique, advanced bend and so on. All the different techniques made improvisation fun and diverse. With the encouragement of my professor, I became very enthusiastic about playing the guitar. I carried my guitar everywhere and strummed notes whenever I was free.Before long, my fingertips developed calluses and the pain abated. Also, the more flexible and the stronger my fingers became, the easier I could play the chords. My fingers’ flexibility and strength turned out to be essential for improvisation on the guitar scales. At last, after learning to play the guitar for three months, I could play one of my favorite songs, ‘Time of Your Life’ by Green Day and some other songs with simple tunes. Then I quit my class and decided to learn to play the guitar by myself.Because I knew, practice makes perfect, in order to be a better and more skillful player, I had to practice more. I began to search music scores and videos online, and I followed them to learn new songs. Many uploaded videos on YouTube teach how to play different songs, and I benefited greatly from them. It took me some time to learn a new song, but the process was always fun and enjoyable. Even though I stopped going to the guitar class, I knew what to do and where to go to improve my skills. The most important lesson I learned about playing the guitar is that practice makes perfect.The only way to become a good guitar player is to practice every day. It has been said that professional guitar players practice 8 hours a day, so I knew there was a long way for me to go to become a good player. I am very delighted to say that I can play and sing qui te a few songs at the same time. It has been rewarding to learn to play the acoustic guitar, as it has opened up a whole new universe of expression, conversation and real pleasure. It also has been a great way to make friends, so it was worth making the effort to learn it.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
tempmagic Prosperos Magic in Shakespeares The Tempest...
Prosperos Magic in The Tempest In Shakespeares The Tempest, Prosperos magic is the means that Prospero teaches his lessons to the plays various characters. Whether or not those lessons were learned or not is irrelevant. The main issue is that Prosperos character is indeed a complex one, and one that deserves much attention. Two essays that look at the complexity of Prospero and his magic are Stephen Mikos Tempest, and Barbara Mowats Prospero, Agrippa, and Hocus Pocus. Both of these essays, in dealing with Prospero and his magic reveal things about Prospero that only enhance the mystery of his character. Mowats article deals more with the nature of Prosperos magic, and the type of character that it makes him.†¦show more content†¦There is more to his character, however, as is seen by the other two positions offered by Mowat. The second that she offers is that the magic that Prospero controls only allows him control of the physical world. Since he cannot directly influence the thoughts and beliefs of others, he is limited to mostly trickery, albeit impressive trickery. He has the power to conjure spirits, control the weather and raise the dead, but for all this earthly power, he cannot change the basic tenets of men. He has to use his powers to attempt to make the characters of the play change themselves. This sometimes works, and sometimes does not. This interpretation of Prospero is in contrast with the last tenet. Prospero appears at the beginning, according to his own words, to be only interested in gains beyond the world, yet his magic is limited to only things in the world (assuming that spirits are also physical in nature, and not outside the realm of reality.) This means that he is restricted to using earthly means to attain a goal above earthly gains. He is a strangely hypocritical person here. H e rejects the world in pursuit of his studies, yet he is restricted by that same earthly limitation. This adds to the dimension of his character. Perhaps he is not as simplistic as he seems. This allows him the possibility of having conflicting goals within the play, as he seems to have. Mowats third tenet is what rounds out Prospero: the
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