Thursday, May 21, 2020
Child Abuse - 993 Words
Child abuse is defined as a variety of harmful behaviors directed against children. It can take many forms. Child abuse in general is a psychological problem or perversion of the abuser. The abuser is referred to as the perpetrator of abuse. Child abuse includes the following conditions: ïÆ'Ëœ Child sexual abuse ïÆ'Ëœ Physical abuse ïÆ'Ëœ Child neglect ïÆ'Ëœ Emotional neglect and abuse Although some cases of child abuse are obvious, many are not. Early recognition of child abuse is very important to get a child help and stop the abuse. Child sexual abuse includes any activity that uses a child to create sexual gratification either in you or in others. Although the touching of children as a sign of affection and for hygiene is considered normal†¦show more content†¦Children are generally not removed from the home immediately when a report is made to child protective services. Under extreme circumstances, it does happen but in the majority of cases, even after CPS verifies that abuse exist within a family, child protective services attempt to work with the family to get those issues resolved and keep the family intact. When a child is removed from the home, it has to be determined that the child is at-risk and then an order is granted to remove the child for 72-hours so the investigation process can begin. If during the investigation it is determined that the child appears to be in imminent danger of harm, the child can be removed for a longer period of time and temporary, safe arrangements are made. In Wash ington State when a child is removed from the home and an investigation is started there are a number of people that determine what course of action is taken to either reunite the family or start the process to terminate parental rights. This team usually consists of the child protective services case manager, a child protective services supervisor, the child’s pediatrician, and a representative from a Foster Care Review Board. I am not sure that ending child abuse will happen in my lifetime, but the steps that we need to take is throughShow MoreRelatedChild Abuse1247 Words  | 5 PagesDiscipline, Child Abuse? Many people have noticed that parents are starting to get more frustrated with with their lives and are taking it out on their children. Parents start to under think their actions and instead of disciplining their children, they are abusing their children. There are many precautions that should be taken when dealing with situations like these. Many experiments can be done in order to determine if abuse is taking place in the home. In order to determine child abuse, authoritiesRead MoreChild Abuse1545 Words  | 7 PagesRunning head: CHILD ABUSE Title- Child Abuse SENTENCE OUTLINE TOPIC: Child Abuse TOPIC SENTENCE: Child abuse is any act or inaction on the part of a parent or caregiver on a child 18 years and under. THESIS STATEMENT: The UK Guidance working together to safeguard children 2010, says that, child abuse constitutes of neglect, emotional, physical, and sexual abuse. SUB TOPICRead MorePhysical Abuse And Child Abuse716 Words  | 3 PagesChild abuse is all over the world in every state and in a big percentage of homes. Abuse is more than just physically touching a child. It’s talking down to a child to where they don’t care anymore, and when someone is touching a child in sexual ways. The thing about abuse, no matter what type it is they all tie together somehow. Physical, sexual, and mental abuse is known more common in teens and goes unspoken more than people realize and they don’t even know it’s happening around them. PhysicalRead Morechild abuse1271 Words  | 6 Pages Child Abuse Research Paper Most parents and other caregivers do not intend to hurt their children, but abuse is defined by the effect on the child, not the motivation of the parents or caregiver.Tens of thousands of children each year are traumatized by physical, sexual, and emotional abusers or by caregivers who neglect them.Child abuse as common as it is shocking. Most of us can’t imagine what would make an adult use violence against a child, and the worse the behaviorRead MoreChild Abuse1921 Words  | 8 Pagesor Outside: How Safe is my Child? 23/1/13, ICG A very good morning to all of you and a warm welcome to this seminar on ‘At Home or Outside: How Safe is my Child?†Thank you for sparing your valuable time to be here to discuss and deliberate on an issue that is slowly making our society hollow and will cause a major collapse of all value systems if timely action is not taken. It can be very difficult to talk about child abuse or more specifically child sexual abuse, which we are discussing todayRead MoreChild Abuse And Domestic Abuse1636 Words  | 7 Pagesin life that while not yet adults they are not quite children either. A factor that creates violent and aggressive adolescents includes being exposed to child abuse and domestic abuse. Moylan, T. Herrenkohl, Sousa, Tajima, R. Herrenkohl, and Russo (2010) look at the relationship between those who were exposed to either child abuse, domestic abuse, or both and the outcome of aggressive adolescents. Families were first assessed when children were in preschool, eighteen months to six years old. The secondRead MoreChild Abuse And Child Maltreatment918 Words  | 4 PagesThere are many types and faces of child abuse and child maltreatment in the world today that go unknown. This leaves many of our children unprotected to physical, sexual or emotional abuse, and neglect by parents. The problem is how are dealing with the violence against children inside and outside the home and with their f amily. Physical, sexual, emotional abuse and neglect are types of abuse, which I and have a deep concern. Too many of our children today are been abused, neglected, and killedRead MoreThe Effects Of Abuse And Child Abuse2622 Words  | 11 PagesNassau, New York, homicide squad, after finding three young children dead in their bed after their mother had killed them. (Qtd. In Juettner 12). Abuse doesn’t just affect children, it affects adults too. While many cases of abuse are reported, there are still many that go unreported. Abuse and child abuse is not something to be taken lightly, even after the abuse has been stopped there are long lasting effects. Could you imagine being abused by someone you thought loved or cared about you? According toRead MoreHistory of Child Abuse1113 Words  | 5 PagesHistory of child abuse BSHS/408 February 15 2016 Chiffone N Shelton Abstract In order to discuss child abuse and neglect it is important to have a clear understanding of what child abuse and neglect is and the different form of child abuse. How the various types of child abuse and neglect are different from one another, ill-treatment of children comes in many forms, physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional ill-treatment, and child neglect. Child neglect comes in many forms and occurs whenRead MoreThe Problem Of Child Abuse1055 Words  | 5 Pagesyounger ones is child abuse. â€Å"In 2009, the child protective services across the country received 3.3 million reports of child abuse. The farther the child protective services would investigate they discovered more than 700,000 children that had been abused or mistreated.†(Kauchak and Eggen 51) The U.S Congress in the Family Services Act of 1988 came up with a definition of all types of abuse. (Mufson and Kranz 26) There is neglect, emotional, sexua, and physical abuse. â€Å"Over than 78% of abuse vict ims suffer
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Is Not A Fan Of Tattoos - 1941 Words
Imara is not a fan of tattoos. In fact, she hates tattoos, specifically ones without sentimental values. She didn’t think portraits of cartoon characters or philosophical quotes was something to obsess over. Moreover, a majority of her peers has tattoos. Not just any tattoos, weirdly shaped tattoos on their biceps and thighs, legs and hands. There’s even one guy in her Biology class that has a tattoo of lightning on his face. â€Å"It’s almost disgusting,†Imara would say to herself when she saw him. â€Å"He had such a cute face. Still cute, but the tattoo makes him look ridiculous†. Imara believes tattoos are out to destroy her generation. â€Å"Tattoos are stamps that generalize us and make us all look bad,†she said once. Imara speaks against†¦show more content†¦Her blood.†â€Å"Coooool.†â€Å"I wish I was fierce enough to tat myself like that.†â€Å"Ding dong,†Imara rubbed her ear, amongst the comments she could of have sworn she heard a faint doorbell. She tried to look for the source, but the lighting was too bright. She couldn’t see anything. â€Å"Imara, you better werk,†â€Å"Yass girl,†â€Å"All this magic in a minute. What are you a magician?†â€Å"Ding dong,†â€Å"Forreal, she is so ding dong†Imara rubbed her ear again. The sound of the doorbell was more perceivable. She moved closer to the group. â€Å"I’m sorry, what,†she asked aloud. â€Å"I said you’re so ding dong. Ding dong, ding dong.†Before Imara could respond, her eyes opened to the sight of her dimly lit bedroom. She glanced at the time on her phone to see ten minutes had gone by. â€Å"Ding dong,†the doorbell sang again. She got up and headed to the door. When she opened it, there was no one in sight. The only thing visible was the cloudless sky, unsaturated bluebells, and the vacant street. She closed the door. As she walked back into her room, she bumped her scarred arm into the door handle. â€Å"Ow,†she bawled. The intense pain was throbbing. She took a glance at her arm, and noticed a severely red shadow-- her blood was dried up in a dark shade of purple. †Oh my god,†Imara said in disbelief. She ran to the bathroom. In a frantic hurry, she tried to find rubbing alcohol, cotton balls, and gauze pads. Imara searched high and low, but couldn’t findShow MoreRelatedThe Term Implicit Personality Theory155 9 Words  | 7 Pageswhich proceeded towards his musical career. He manages his appearance by adding tattoos on his hand. Jay Z made a tattoo in his weeding ring finger which is also matched with her wife tattoo. The matching tattoo in his weeding ring finger boost his imagine as a fashion trend, no one has such kind tattoo before.His fans like this idea and he got more publicity. Jay Z has walking lifestyle brand. He has been steering the fans choice in apparel and other luxury items mostly by just mentioning them waxRead MoreTattoos and Body Piercings as and Art Form992 Words  | 4 PagesAshley Beth Logan Manuscript Speech D. Webb Speech 106 Tattoos and Body Piercings Good evening. I would like to start by asking how many of you have a tattoo or piercing other than your ears. Did you know that in most work environments, you are usually not even considered for employment if you’re tattoo or piercing is visible during the interview? I am one of the many people who believe tattoos and body piercings are a form of self expression. However, there are still that few out there whoRead MoreTattoos Are Bad Or Bad?1361 Words  | 6 PagesTattoos are bad. This is something I have been told all my life. My father is a very authoritative figure. He stands at 6’3†and is a cut-to-the-shit type of guy. He makes sure that his views are heard even if it as trivial as talking through a movie to point out an error it made. He is not a fan of anything permanent on someone’s face or body; however, if his view is still unknown to someone, all he or she would have to do is bring up tattoo plans and his view will come out shortly after. OneRead MoreTattoos Of Americ Johnny Depp, My Body Is My Journal And My Tattoos1286 Words  | 6 Pages Tattoos in America Johnny Depp once said, â€Å"My body is my journal and my tattoos are my story†(Simons). Most people who have tattoos will say that these tattoos have different special meanings for many special things which they will remember forever. Others will say that they just want to try something new or pursue fashions which make them feel different from other people. Some people think tattoos are art: â€Å"Your body’s an empty canvas, so you almost want to continue to add to it†(Yu). Many peopleRead MoreTattooed: The Sociogenesis of Body Art by Michael Atkinson965 Words  | 4 Pagesoutlines his response with the work of Norbert Elias , who is best known for the â€Å"civilizing process†and a hypothesis figurational social science. He gathered information from 27 tattoo artists and 65 tattoo enthusiasts from Toronto and Calgary in a method he called ethnosociology for participant perceptions on tattoos. A figuration is characterized as an accumulation of so cial performers bound together by chains or networks of interdependency and is a substitute for the idea of social order (AtkinsonRead MoreThink Before You Ink1250 Words  | 5 Pagespointlessness of Tattoos. Straight away Mills makes his negativity on the topic clear as describing many celebrity tattoos as being ‘badly drawn cod-philosophical/fauxtribal/cloyingly sentimental illustrations’. He goes on to describe celebrities Pete Doherty and Amy Winehouse as being ‘aspirational figureheads’ clearly employing sarcasm and in fact, most likely suggesting the exact opposite. We see the writer constantly give his, clearly, biased opinion about his dislike of tattoos, at one point simplyRead MoreTattoos Have Different Meanings Or Significance1615 Words  | 7 PagesIn various societies, tattoos have had different meanings or significance. They have been popular for thousands of years in different cultures, as a common form of body modification. They can be symbolic of one’s self-expression, ‘a mark of individuality’, and body alteration as a compelling symbol. (Tiggemann Golder, 2006; Patterson Schroeder, 2010 as cited in Atik Yildirim, 2014). Tattoos have been around for so many years that its existence is unclear thus its origin remains a debate inRead MoreTattoos Should Be Allowed in the Workplace Essay1507 Words  | 7 Pageshaving a tattoo could ruin every hope one has of getting the job. One may ask, â€Å"why does having a tattoo ruin ones chance of getting a job?†A tattoo would ruin one’s chances at getting a job simply because it is wrongly viewed as unprofessional. Starting off as juices and markings, tattoos were nothing more than ways of identification and personalization. Rubbing juices extracted from plants onto your face and arms is the most notable to people. Also using bone needles and pigments to tattoo in aRead MoreEminems Stan: Following the Form of a Dramatic Monologue Popularized by Robert Browning1088 Words  | 5 PagesEminem that he is his biggest fan and he mentions in verse two that his little brother and himself waited in the cold for four hours in the blistering cold just for an autograph but I think he did not just wait there with his brother, we waited there for himself to just to get close to Eminem because he is obsessed with him. He knows just about all of Slim Shady’s past like his childhood, saying he is just like him in a way I never knew my father either, Stan even got a tattoo of Eminem’s name on his chestRead MoreTaking a Look at the Juggalo Subculture943 Words  | 4 Pagesunique traits and means of expressing themselves. A Juggalo is someone who is a die-hard fan of the Insane Clown Posse or any group from the Psychopathic Records label. It’s a spinoff of the punk subculture, making it an even more exclusive and tightly knit group. The term Juggalo started in 1994 at an Insane Clown Posse concert and has ballooned as an identifier and widely recognized name. Many Juggalos have tattoos identifying themselves with their â€Å"Juggalo names.†The names are personal identifiers
Family And Literacy Free Essays
As a child growing up, my parents had already shared to us different stories from mythical/folk tales to the tales of other family members. The typical childhood stories, i. e. We will write a custom essay sample on Family And Literacy or any similar topic only for you Order Now The Three Little Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood, etc. , were not also lost in the classroom arena as well. These stories were the first glimpses of the moral backbone that one adopts and also served as the first taste of reading and writing, the fundamental necessities in formal learning. Concerning the moral background, these stories had taught me the valuable lesson of integrity, empathy, sympathy, kindness, and the lesson that two wrong could not make a right, and elders should be respected. Telling and reading stories with a child could definitely give the child certain ideas. My mother rarely read me stories but I still developed a knack or liking for reading novels and poetry. The precious times that the stories were told had given me this certain enthusiasm. It has driven me to have a certain passion to learn how to read and write on my own and these were powerful backgrounds to help me in my formative years. Being a parent, an aspiring teacher and a former child, I could draw a conclusion that parents could help pave the way for children to easily adjust to formal schooling. Parents could further develop the basic learning abilities of children by encouraging their natural curiosity and imagination. A child’s learning usually starts at home with the parents and the development of these first steps could be furthered by the school. It was said that the child could learn with the help of the parents through constant exposure to Environmental Print (Jo Anne L. Vacca, 2005). The parents could do this by accessing what is readily available at home. They could make use of the television set. A parent then could sit down with the children and explain what could be seen. They could devise a plan where their children could do some activities concerning the television show like scribbling down some words that they had encountered while watching. This just a start and a glimpse to the help that parents could extend to their children. REFERENCE Jo Anne L. Vacca, R. T. V. , Mary K. Gove, Linda C. Burkey, Lisa A. Lenhart, Christine A. McKeon. (2005). Reading and Learning to Read (6th ed. ). Boston: Allyn Bacon. How to cite Family And Literacy, Essays
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